How To Make a Workcover Claim in WA

What is Workcover WA?:

Workcover WA is the government’s administrative agency that oversees the workers’ compensation scheme in Western Australia. They are responsible for regulating and administrating the workers’ compensation scheme in Western Australia under the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981

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Work Travel And Workers Compensation Claims

Many companies require their employees to drive to and from different locations for work purposes, and they may decide that a company car is an efficient solution to facilitate this, but what happens if an employee is involved in an accident while driving or a passenger in the company car?

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COVID-19 And Workers’ Compensation Claims

As of writing this blog, there are currently 40,169 active cases of COVID-19 in Western Australia (active COVID-19 cases are defined as people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the previous 14 days). Symptoms from COVID-19 can range from mild to severe, and some people recover within a few weeks whilst others can take much longer. Some common symptoms of COVID-19 can include fever, coughing, a sore throat, fatigue, nausea and headaches.

You may be wondering whether or not a person could submit a workers’ compensation claim if they have tested positive for COVID-19? Below is some information that you may find helpful:

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Bullying And Workers’ Compensation Claims

The Australian Human Rights Organisation defines workplace bullying as ‘verbal, physical social or psychological abuse by your employer (or manager), another person or group of people at work’ [1].

Workplace bullying is a serious issue and one that can occur at workplaces of all kinds in Australia. In 2019 research revealed that, compared with 31 European countries, Australia ranked sixth highest for workplace bullying. The research further found that 10 per cent of Australian workers admitted to being bullied at work, with much more anti-social workplace behaviour going unreported [2].

Workplace bullying can have significant impacts on a person and can cause stress, anxiety, panic attacks, physical impacts (such as headaches, loss of appetite and loss of sleep) as well as impact their work performance, self-esteem and relationships with other colleagues, family and friends.

Bullying may also be discrimination if it is occurring because of your age, sex, race, disability, pregnancy, relationship status, sexual orientation or gender identity.

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Claiming Compensation in WA as the Victim of An Offence

If you have been wounded or have suffered financial loss as a result of a crime in Western Australia you may be eligible for compensation. Such crimes include robberies, assaults, domestic violence, or sexual offences. Compensation can be claimed by filing a common law claim against the offender, the court can also be petitioned to sentence an offender to make an order for compensation or restitution, however, the most utilised avenue is to make a compensation claim under The Criminal Injuries Compensation Act 2003 WA. Continue reading “Claiming Compensation in WA as the Victim of An Offence”

Typical Mistakes People Make After Getting Injured at Work

Workplaces can be filled with a number of hazards (from safety hazards to physical, chemical and biological hazards) that can result in an unexpected and, sometimes, serious injury. Unfortunately each year many people end up making simple and easy to avoid mistakes that can have a significant impact on their ability to gain compensation after a workplace accident. Five typical mistakes people make after getting injured at work are: Continue reading “Typical Mistakes People Make After Getting Injured at Work”

When Can You Claim Workers’ Compensation?

Each year, many Australians are injured or become sick due to their work. Many of these people are unaware of workers’ compensation and that they are eligible. They also may not know how they can make a claim or what their return to work obligations are. But don’t worry, the team at Anvil Legal are here to help! Continue reading “When Can You Claim Workers’ Compensation?”

Workers’ Compensation Claim Essentials and Entitlements

The Workers’ Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 (WA) (Act) covers the rights and obligations of the employer, injured worker and the worker’s compensation insurer. Being unaware of all the entitlements your claim provides may be costly and detrimental to your health. Anvil Legal specialises in workers compensation law. We have helped many injured workers fight for their rights whilst making sure their claims go through smoothly. Continue reading “Workers’ Compensation Claim Essentials and Entitlements”

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