How To Make a Workcover Claim in WA

What is Workcover WA?:

Workcover WA is the government’s administrative agency that oversees the workers’ compensation scheme in Western Australia. They are responsible for regulating and administrating the workers’ compensation scheme in Western Australia under the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981

WorkCover also manages any claim disputes which may be needed if a claim is pending for too long or disputes arise over medical expenses/weekly payments not being made correctly etc.

Injured workers have to manage their own claims and should get their own supportive GP involved early and follow their medical advice to get the best outcomes and lessen claim stress.

Choosing your own supportive return to work provider will also help alleviate a lot of stress, generally, you are not told you can do that.

Anvil Legal’s Perth Workcover lawyer’s expertise will help you confidently make your claim with a simple step-by-step guide for making your claim to Workcover easier.


Making a Claim for a Work Injury:

If you have suffered from an injury or disease that you believe to be caused by or contributed to by your work duties, you may be entitled to make a claim for workers compensation.

Follow the below steps to make your Workers compensation claim:

  1. Before you even begin making your workers compensation claim it is essential for you to first visit your GP. This is not only to make treating your injury easier but also so you can discuss the cause of the injury and request a First Medical Certificate of Capacity if appropriate. This will also assist you to fill out and lodge your claim form correctly.
  2. This form can look daunting as there’s a lot of information to fill out on it. If you are unsure of how to fill out any part of this form, we’ve made a video guide that explains the whole form completion process or you can contact us for any workers compensation personal injury lawyer inquiry.

  1. Once your claim form has been filled out correctly, you are required to lodge it, along with the First Certificate of Capacity, with your employer who then has 5 days to send it to their workers compensation insurer. 
  2. Your employer’s workers compensation insurer then has 14 days to write to you either accepting the claim, disputing the claim or pending the claim because they need more information.
  3.  10 days after the date of a pended Notice the claim is automatically in dispute and the insurer is not required to do anything further; if this happens you need to action the matter yourself or you could contact us for assistance.
  • If your claim has been rejected or you haven’t heard anything back from the workers compensation insurer within this time period, get in contact with Anvil Legal Workers’ Compensation lawyers at 08 6143 5200 or fill out a no-obligation enquiry form and our Workers Compensation claim lawyers will be happy to discuss your claim on the phone or at your free first appointment.


Making a Stress Leave Workcover Claim:

Work related stress claims are filled out slightly differently as discussed in our above video. Anvil Legal’s Works is available to provide advice to you on lodging a psychological injury claim and/or any stress claim compensation payouts.

If you need any further help or advice in regard to your Work Injury claim, or other workers’ compensation queries please give us at Anvil Legal workers’ compensation lawyers a call to see how we can help you.

Anvil Legal